
  • Sweet Corn, 2 ears (Sweet Corn on Cob with Silk and Husk) 
  • Water, 800ml
  • Rock Sugar, 40 grams 
  • Barley, 2 tablespoons


  1. Soak sweet corn on cob with silk and husk in a fruit and vegetable soak for 7 minutes.
  2. Rinse barley and rock sugar under running water in the Thermos® Shuttle Chef® inner pot.
  3. Remove sweet corn's silk and sweet corn's hush, rinse under running water and place them into the inner pot.
  4. Slice off sweet corn kernels carefully off the sweet corn cob and set aside. 
  5. Cut sweet corn cob into big chunks and add into the inner pot. 
  6. Add 800ml water into the inner pot, close the inner pot's lid and bring it to a boil under low heat.
  7. When boiling, turn off heat and transfer inner pot into the Shuttle Chef® outer pot. Let it sit aside for 4 hours.

Notes and tips:

  • This recipe is based on using 1.5L Thermos® Shuttle Chef® RPF-20. You may adjust the ingredients quantity for different capacities. 
  • The soup can be kept warm in the Shuttle Chef® for up to 8 hours.
  • This is a detoxing and cooling dessert suitable for everyone. 
  • You may the sweet corn kernels into the soup to boil or use them in other dishes. 
  • You may use any type of barley preferred: pearl barley, china barley or jobs tear. The barley shown in the picture is jobs tear. 
  • If you are cooking for young children, pregnant mothers or elderly, it is recommended to use pearl barley.


Photo, recipe and tips courtesy of Sheryl Ariel Boh, from fb.com/musingsatweivilla and founder of ‘Cooking with Thermos’ Facebook group.