In addition to the daily lunch time conundrum of what to eat, the health-conscious bunch ponders about another matter – where do we get the healthy food? What can we do in order to not be a health snob, but still eat healthier? Here’s the trick: go with the majority (Nasi Padang? Sure!), but bring along one healthy and easy-to-make side dish in your Thermos® Food Jar. That way, you can still be a social butterfly without compromising your health!

  1. Lemon Parmesan Broccoli

In our previous article, we talked about how broccoli gives you a decent amount of protein without the same calorie count compared to meat. Indeed, broccoli is a nutrition powerhouse that can help decrease the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. It is also easy to prepare, and does not take too long to cook. This side dish will give you the protein you need for the day. So bring it on, Roti Prata!

  1. Orange-Glazed Carrots

If you’re looking for easy-to-cook vegetables in the supermarket, don’t miss out on carrots. One of the most widely used vegetables, carrots are packed with a host of benefits, from improving the health of your skin, boosting your immune system, improving your digestion to helping you detoxify your body. And remember that advice your mum always gives about carrots helping you improve your eyesight? It’s true, thanks to the vitamin A content found in this orange wonder, and in this dish.

  1. Sesame-Miso Cucumber Salad

There are two great things about this dish – miso is lauded for its deliciousness and high antioxidants content, and protection against free radicals that cause signs of aging. Meanwhile, cucumbers are recognised for its nutrients including vitamin C, beta-carotene, and manganese. This combo gives you the best of both worlds, and with a few teaspoons of sesame oil, it’s sure to whet your appetite and deliver an umami punch!

  1. Good Green Tea Smoothie

Swap your regular cola with this healthy smoothie, which contains superfoods such as spinach, green tea, avocado, and honey! Spinach lowers your blood pressure; green tea helps burn fat and boost metabolic rate; avocado has more potassium than bananas (lowers the risk of heart attack, stroke and kidney failure); and honey reduces ulcers and eases cough and throat irritation.

  1. Roasted Beet Salad

We all need fibre to facilitate our bowel function, and beetroot does just that. A great source of fibre, beetroot helps prevent constipation, and also stimulates the liver’s detoxification processes. It is also one of the richest sources of glutamine, crucial to the maintenance of our intestinal tract. If you haven’t done your number two for some time, a serving of the Roasted Beet Salad might just do the trick.

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