Serves 4


  • Minced Pork, 1kg
  • White Pepper, a sprinkle (20 grams)
  • Salt, a pinch (20 grams)
  • Tofu, 200 grams
  • Chopped Shallots, 100 grams
  • Chopped Ginger, 20 grams
  • Chopped Garlic, 20 grams
  • Soy Sauce, 3.5 tablespoons (50ml)
  • Rice Wine, 6 tablespoons (100ml)
  • Corn Starch, 50 grams (1/2 teaspoon)
  • Eggs, 2
  • Cabbage, 6 stalks
  • Stock, 1.6L
  • Dried Mushrooms, to taste
  • Black Fungus, to taste
  • Fish Sauce, 3.5 tablespoons (50ml)



  1. Marinate minced meat with white pepper and salt and set it aside for 5 minutes. 
  2. After 5 minutes, add tofu, chopped shallots, chopped ginger, chopped garlic, soy sauce, fish sauce, rice wine, corn starch and eggs. Mix the contents well.
  3. With the well-mixed contents, roll them into round meatball shapes and deep fried them till the shape is firm and set them aside. 
  4. In a 3.0L Thermos® Shuttle Chef® inner pot, add stock, dried mushrooms, black fungus and bring it to a boil over medium heat. When boiling, add fried meatballs and a pinch of salt (to taste) and bring it to a boil over low heat. 
  5. When boiling, add cabbage, close the inner pot with lid and transfer it into the Shuttle Chef® outer pot. Let it sit aside to cook for at least 30 minutes. 

Lion Head Meatballs Prep 1 by Thermos Taiwan4

Lion Head Meatballs Prep 2 by Thermos Taiwan3

Lion Head Meatballs Prep 3 by Thermos Taiwan3



  • This recipe is based on using a 3.0L Thermos® Shuttle Chef® RPE-3000 or TCRA-3000. You may adjust the ingredients quantities based on the capacity of Shuttle Chef®.


Photos and recipe courtesy for Thermos Taiwan. Resource of information and copyrights reserved by Crown Manufacturing Corporation.