Serves 3 to 4


  • Chicken Wings, 1kg
  • Ground Sichuan Peppercorns, 1 tablespoon
  • Grated Ginger, 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar, 2 tablespoons
  • Shaoxing Rice Wine, 3 tablespoons
  • Dark Soy Sauce, 1¼ cup
  • Light Soy Sauce, ¾ cup
  • Broth, 1¾ cup
  • Sesame Oil, 2 teaspoons



  1. Marinate the chicken wings with peppercorn and ginger.
  2. Mix sugar, rice wine, dark soy sauce and light soy sauce together and add into the marinate.
  3. Store marinated chicken wings in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, tossing occasionally.



  1. Drain marinated chicken wings and keep the marinade aside for later use.
  2. In a separate pot, deep fry marinated chicken wings with 2½ cups cooking oil for about 8 minutes until browned.
  3. In a 6.0L Thermos® Shuttle Chef® inner pot, place in fried chicken wings, and add marinade and broth. Bring the contents to a boil for 15 minutes.
  4. When boiling, close the inner pot with lid and transfer it into the Shuttle Chef® outer pot. Let it sit aside for 2 hours.
  5. Before serving, drain soy chicken wings, and brush with sesame oil.



  • This recipe is based on using a 6.0L Thermos® Shuttle Chef® TCRA-6000. You may adjust the ingredients quantity based on the capacity of the Shuttle Chef®.



  • Based on preference, you may skip the deep-frying step, braise the marinated chicken wings in the Shuttle Chef® for 2 hours and serve in a nice pool of sauce.
  • You may replace the chicken wings with a whole chicken or 1kg worth of chicken parts preferred.
  • You may toss the chicken about twice whilst marinating in the refrigerator. First toss is to attempt to exchange positions of the top and bottom pieces and the second toss to ensure all chicken parts get a second coating.


Photo and recipe courtesy of Justine Ong from www.tings.sg.