Serves 8


  • Chicken Thighs, 600 grams
  • Dried Mushrooms, 12 pieces (soaked in hot water till soften and sliced)
  • Water used to soak dried mushrooms, 800ml
  • Cooking Oil, 4 tablespoons
  • Ginger, 10 slices
  • Spring Onions, 12
  • Minced Garlic, 4 tablespoons
  • Red Onions, 2 (sliced)
  • Baby Corns, 10 stalks
  • Snow Peas, 24
  • Tomatoes, 2
  • Firm Tofu, 3 (fry till golden brown)
  • Dried Shrimps, 4 tablespoons (fry till fragrant)


Seasoning A for Chicken Marinate:

  • Pepper, 1 tablespoon
  • Corn Flour, 6 teaspoons
  • Light Soya Sauce, 6 tablespoons
  • Salt, 1 teaspoon

Seasoning B for Mushroom Marinate:

  • Light Soya Sauce, 2 tablespoons
  • Sugar, 2 teaspoons
  • Sesame Oil, 2 tablespoons

Seasoning C:

  • Marmite, 3½ tablespoons
  • Sugar, 5 teaspoons
  • Dark Soya Sauce, 2 teaspoons



  1. Marinate chicken thighs with Seasoning A for at least 1 hour and set aside for later use.
  2. Marinate sliced mushrooms with Seasoning B for at least 1 hour and set aside for later use.
  3. In a 4.5L Thermos® Shuttle Chef® inner pot, heat cooking oil over medium heat, add minced garlic, ginger, sliced onions, spring onions and stir fry till fragrant.
  4. When fragrant, add marinated sliced mushrooms, marinated chicken thighs and stir fry till outer skin of chicken turned whitish.
  5. When chicken thighs turned whitish, add Seasoning C, mushroom water and bring it to a boil.
  6. When boiling, add baby corns, tomatoes, snow peas, fried tofu and simmer for 1 minute.
  7. After 1 minute, close the inner pot with lid and transfer it into the Shuttle Chef® outer pot. Let it sit aside for at least 4 hours.
  8. Before serving, garnish with fried dried shrimps.



  • This recipe is based on using a 4.5L Thermos® Shuttle Chef® TCRA-4500. You may adjust the ingredients quantity based on the capacity of the Shuttle Chef®.


Photo and recipe courtesy of Thermos Singapore team