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Besides its fragrance, coconut oil possesses a wealth of benefits and can be easily incorporated in your daily diet!

We'll start with food! Did you know? Coconut oil is a great substitute for other types of cooking oil including butter, which tastes rich but is higher in fat content. The high smoke point of coconut oil makes it very versatile, and no toxic chemicals are produced even when it overheats.

You can try adding a dash of coconut oil to your daily foods to increase the nutritional content and lend an extra fragrance. What's not to love?

In health practices, you may have heard of oil pulling. People who practise it swish a few tablespoons of oil in their mouths for 20 minutes in the morning before eating or brushing their teeth. It's believed to greatly improve oral health when done regularly!

Thanks to its versatility, coconut oil is often used in homemade beauty products too. Slather some coconut oil over your skin for a natural, more affordable option to your fancy moisturiser laden with chemicals. Besides your skin, smoothen a small amount of coconut oil on your hair and wrap it up in a towel. Result? An all-natural way to lustrous, smooth locks!

The possibilities seem quite endless with the wonders of coconut oil, and personally, we like it best that it makes healthy cooking such a breeze! Try using coconut oil instead of other oils in your daily cooking (eg. Guangzhou Fried RiceMeat And Potatoes). Or you can blend coconut oil in smoothies, use it as a spread on toast (it makes fantastic cinnamon toast), use it as a topping on popcorn, and in other recipes.


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Ingredients (serves 4):